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Bryte has entered into a partnership with Cellcube
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Bryte has now entered into a partnership with the Austrian battery manufacturer Cellcube. Bryte will be a distributor in the Nordic region for Cellcube's flow batteries.
This duck reduces electricity prices on the weekend
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If you create a figure showing the daily load on the power grid in markets with a lot of solar power, the graph is often shaped like a duck. This is called a duck curve and is a well-known phenomenon in sunny California and Australia.
Norwegian energy law exemption granted
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An exemption from the energy law has been granted, allowing the sale of surplus electricity generated by private solar cells to other buildings for a specified period.
First safe and sustainable energy storage in Nordic agriculture
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A Combined Solution for Food Security and Energy Production Electrifying Nordic agriculture significantly reduces climate emissions. Environmentally-friendly storage and production of self-produced renewable energy is the key to success. At Skjetlein Upper Secondary School, the first facility of its kind in the Nordic region has now been put into operation.
Bryte Batteries
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